New Feature Release: Tracking Linked Grantee Organizations and Grants

By Jasmine Vivaldo

Temelio’s customer relationship management (CRM) feature allows foundations to keep track of the relationships with all current, past, and prospective grantee organizations. Through this feature, Temelio centralizes contact information, organization demographic data, communication history, and grant history, cataloging the holistic relationship between the grantmaker and their grantee partners. Temelio’s new “parent-child” linking enhances the CRM to allow complicated connections between grants and entities to be easily recorded. For example, various organizations can be linked to a single parent entity or multiple grants can be linked to a single larger grant.

Current Temelio clients are using this feature for the following use cases:

  • Fiscal sponsor tracking
  • Tracking grants within universities to different departments
  • Tracking grant disbursements originating from a larger grant given to another funder

To see this in action, watch the video below in which Temelio CTO Ruthwick Pathireddy walks through this new feature.

If your team could benefit from a feature like this and you'd like to see if Temelio is the right grants management system for your organization, we would love to connect! Reach out to our team to schedule a call.

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